Mental & Behavioral Health Practices offer psychotherapists, psychiatrists, and behavioral health professionals. Like any other specialties practitioners of behavioral health require a unique set of tools to document and manage the clinical, administrative, and operational workflows. Mental health software provides the necessary tools for large practices and hospitals while a Therapy software” caters to solo practitioners and private practices.

Elaine K. Howley’s 2019 report in the states that “Over 24 Million individuals experiencing a mental health illness are going untreated due to inaccessibility”. Access to care is improving for both inpatients and outpatients with the new generation of Mental and Behavioral Health Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and Practice Management (PM) Software that is capable of effectively managing complex healthcare records.

Mental health software help in managing error-free, detailed, and accurate patient medical history to facilitate clinical decision support. Moreover, they streamline the workflow by automating e-Prescription, appointment reminder, and scheduling, patient portal, revenue cycle management functionality for a healthcare practice.

Things to Consider before selecting mental health software

  • Mental health software should meet all (e.g. Meaningful use-II, HIPAA) compliance requirements.

  • Mental health software should be interoperable

  • Mental health software should be able to integrate with pharmacy software and laboratory software.

  • Mental health software should accommodate any future practice expansion.

  • Mental health software should offer voice control for templates and SOAP notes taking

  • Mental health software should offer ease of access through a robust mobile app

Top 10 Mental Health EMR & PM Software By EMRSystems

Most Cloud-based Specialty Specific EMR Software systems offer mental health-specific features that have functionality and the ability to offer value to mental practices. Researchers at EMRSystems have consolidated a list of key features that should be part of a Mental Health Electronic Health Records Software. These features meet the ability and design of mental health practice.