5 Simple Steps to Select an Open-Source EMR Software System

If you are a small medical practice set-up deciding on purchasing a new open-source EMR software system or switching your existing Electronic Medical Records (EMR) software solution then it will take weeks of research for you and your team to choose the perfect software system for your practice. It is not an easy task, however, [...]

Navigating Cybersecurity Challenges in Healthcare

Cybersecurity in healthcare has become a major concern for all the relevant stakeholders involved in the healthcare sector. Patient safety and data integrity cannot be compromised at any point. As more and more patient records are stored in the Electronic Medical Records (EMR) software system the threat of technology breaches remains. Healthcare and patient data [...]

Frequently Asked Questions Related to EHR Software

Electronic Medical Records (EMR) software solutions are being used by healthcare systems in the United States to help streamline daily workflows. They allow for the creation of a digital version of a complete patients chart which can be used to manage information such as medical histories. The questions below cover all commonly and regularly asked [...]

Benefits of Telemedicine EMR Software for Providers and Patients

The power of telemedicine EMR software systems has been recognized by healthcare systems in the United States to provide high-quality care to patients. The COVID-19 pandemic greatly increased telemedicine adaptation rates as hospital staff was overburdened and people were urged to practice social distancing by all means to contain the spread of the deadly virus. [...]

How Deep Learning is changing Healthcare

What is deep learning technology? Deep learning or deep structured learning, is a form of machine learning which uses algorithmic architecture to analyze data. Deep learning technology helps to analyze data faster and with more accuracy. Deep learning models become more efficient and precise as they process more data, learning from previous results enhance their [...]

What Makes a Patient Portal Software Great?

A Patient Portal Software is a very helpful and versatile tool which supports patients to engage with their healthcare professionals and care team in the most effective way.  Government officials encourage medical practices to use this digital tool to automate administrative and clinical workflows. What is a patient portal? Patient Portal Software is a robust [...]

Why should Cardiologists Rely on Cardiology EMR Software Systems

Cardiac practices require the cardiologist to track a lot of patient data from different sources such as notes, test results, and images. It is crucial that the healthcare provider has fast and reliable access to information to forward and transmit it to labs and hospitals. A cardiology EMR software solution is specifically designed to meet [...]

3 Best Healthcare CRM Software in 2020

A healthcare CRM Software solution is a customer relationship management system designed to meet the unique needs of healthcare organizations. The main aim of a healthcare CRM software system is to patient engagement and patient retention. How can your practice benefit from a healthcare CRM software? There are many potential paybacks and advantages of using [...]

7 Key Features to Look for in Telemedicine EMR & PM Software

Telemedicine EMR & PM Software adaptation rates are continuing to rise with the inception of the COVID-19 pandemic. Both healthcare providers and patients see it as a perfect solution to extend care remotely. Patients are more likely to choose a clinician that offers diagnosis and treatment over virtual sessions. There several telemedicine software vendors out [...]

How Interoperability in EHR Software is the Key to Future Innovation and Adaption

To ensure that the healthcare sector keeps up with future advancements interoperability in the EHR software system allows practices to flourish and benefit. Interoperability ensures that all data is seamlessly made available to all stakeholders present in the healthcare ecosystem this includes, labs, pharmacies, physicians, and insurance companies. Data availability through interoperability helps to prevent [...]

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