Breast Cancer Risk Factors & Prevention Strategies

Millions of people throughout the world are impacted by breast cancer, which is a serious illness that may change a person's life. There are a number of risk factors connected to the development of breast cancer, however it can affect anybody. This blog article will examine the main breast cancer risk factors and provide helpful [...]

Oncology EMR – Sarcoma Awareness

Sarcoma is a rare and aggressive form of cancer and oncology EMR software simplifies early detection. Unfortunately, awareness of sarcoma is seriously lacking. As a result, many patients can't pick up on symptoms soon enough and get treatment on time. Oncology EMR not only enhances patient care it raises sarcoma awareness among patients and healthcare [...]

What is Automated Chemotherapy Dose Rounding?

Cancer treatment is costly in the United States. The costs will only continue to increase. It is estimated that by 2030 there will be a 34% increase from the year 2015 to reach $246 billion annually. Advancements in cancer care treatments and genomics have helped to produce advanced drugs to combat cancer, however, these drugs [...]

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