Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Software designed specifically for medical practices dealing in the Nephrology specialty are helping the dialysis centers and kidney specialists make their communications faster, safer, and more efficient.

With these Electronic Health Records (EHR) Software getting improved day by day, the coordination among the staff and the quality of care provided is also getting better. These new and improved Dialysis Clinic EMR Software support all the coding and billing related to dialysis and nephrology, and improve the patient outcomes.

Out of the countless benefits a Dialysis Clinic EHR Software offers, the top 4 are listed below.

Meaningful Use (MU) Participation

For Dialysis Centers and Nephrology Clinics striving for success, the Meaningful Use (MU) incentives hold a lot of value. For this purpose the implementation and use of an EHR Solution specifically designed for Dialysis Clinics are essential. These Dialysis Clinic EHR Systems must be used in the dialysis centers since all the dialysis center services are classified as out-of-office encounters according to the 50% rule.

An integrated Nephrology EMR Software allows physicians to access patient files, medical histories, prescriptions and all other records which might be necessary for making important decisions in the dialysis center.

Avoiding Penalties

One of the new rules under the Meaningful Use (MU) restricts the attestation of a medical facility if it does not meet the case minimums. Such a practice can be penalized if it fails to meet the quality metrics. Thus, to avoid these penalties, Dialysis Clinics must use an EMR Software System designed specifically for them, so that the data collection, analysis, and the report generation is in compliance with the requirements of MU and to make sure that no issue occurs during the electronic report submission.

Improving Team Collaboration

When dealing with serious renal cases, the need for team collaboration and information sharing increases even more. In such cases, the Nephrologists and their staff need to be on the same page to achieve the most efficient results.

A Nephrology/Dialysis EMR Software ensures this team collaboration through the quick aggregation and analysis of data and then the efficient sharing of all the results. This helps the dialysis clinics to decrease all the communication lags and save a lot of time. Without having a lot of face-to-face encounters, the message gets across in much lesser time.