The youth mental health crisis in America is grave and has worsened after the COVID-19 pandemic. According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the amount of mental health ED visits increased by 24% among children from 5 to 11 years in 2021.

School-based Telehealth collaboration

To address the youth mental health crisis, LA County Public schools have partnered with LA Care Health Plan, and the LA County Department of Mental Health to make telehealth services available to students without any costs.

The vital telemedicine partnership aims to expand access to virtual mental healthcare for 1.3 million students. Telemental care for students will expand care access and close any health equity gaps. By offering telemental care in schools students can get the care they require in a private environment and diagnose any issues to improve overall well-being for a healthy future.

How the telehealth partnership will work?

The school district or the country’s local education agencies can join in the virtual mental health program through email. Once the schools have decided to participate, Hazel Health will provide additional information related to how parents can get their children enrolled.

Students that sign up for the virtual program are referred for an assessment by the school, guardian, or social worker. Family resource managers at Hazel Health then work with the students and their parents to schedule Telemedicine EMR Software sessions with a therapist.

Students can visit these sessions during school hours on the school premises or at home once they are done with school.

The importance of school-based telemedicine solutions

Telemedicine options for students are a proactive way to address youth mental health issues and also reduce the stigma of receiving mental healthcare.

Through school-based telehealth solutions, children can get quicker access to care. Quick diagnosis and treatment can improve morale and reduce absenteeism.

Telehealth solutions at schools will also allow students from economically challenged backgrounds to receive the right care at the right time.

Moving ahead

To address the youth mental health crisis healthcare organizations must come together with the community at large. This partnership has enabled increased access to pediatric mental healthcare for children in LA County Public schools. Mental health support for children can build a stronger future for everyone.