According to the JAMIA study 70% of physicians who use EHR software systems in the patient care delivery process experience stress due to increased demands of health IT use. This negative stress may result in physician burnout which can impact productivity and care levels. It’s first essential to identify the signs of physician burnout which includes emotional tension and dissatisfaction related to work.

The Right EHR Software

With thoughtful planning and implementation of the right Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Software, a stress-free and efficient work environment can be maintained. This happens as the EHR technology offers an intuitive interface with useful tools that help to simplify workflows.  Physician burnout can be easily prevented with robust voice recognition solutions in the software to reduce tiresome data input and facilitate better communication and patient care delivery.

Identify the Trigger Points of Physician Stress

It is wise to note the reasons that trigger stress and anxiety in physicians when using healthcare software systems so that quick solutions can be offered to avoid negative impacts resulting from burnout. Healthcare providers have noted that while examining their patients they spent more time with the software system, meaning clicking through screens. As a result, patients can also feel dissatisfied with the lack of undivided attention.

An interface that is unintuitive and complicated can take a lot of time for clinicians, which can add up to the stress levels. Technology can either help your practice or go wrong if the right software solution is not selected.

Finding a Way Out to Combat Physician Burnout

Deploying a Specialty-Specific EMR Software

It is advised that healthcare organizations and clinics use the best software system with the tools and features that help meet their needs making them satisfied users. Sometimes general EHR software may not be a perfect fit for your cardiology practice as you may waste time using features you don’t require. In this case, you might want to go for a specialty-specific EMR software system that will be designed precisely to meet the unique needs of a cardiology practice. A cardiology EHR software solution will customize workflows to meet your and your patient’s requirements. The custom features, reports, and templates will match the cardiologist’s exact needs providing seamless access to patient history and treatment.

Utilizing a User-friendly EHR Solution

If the existing EMR software system is clunky and inefficient then you need to make a shift to a new and modern software system that doesn’t add to daily stress but reduces it. Many software vendors offer ease of use and an intuitive interface that is easy to use by staff members and physicians. A user-friendly Electronic Medical Records (EMR) software can help users improve productivity levels and keep clinicians burnout at bay

Integration with other Software

A practice should also ensure that the EHR software integrates seamlessly with other software systems such as the billing software and the Practice Management (PM) software. This integration will make it simple for providers to get the information they need promptly and reduce any frustrations that can be caused by healthcare technology.

Final Takeaway

The right technology and software solution can turn around physician stress and help streamline daily workflows to enhance productivity levels. Reasonable EMR software solutions can help clinicians simplify processes by reducing the amount of paperwork and making the documentation process simple with features of voice recognition. Technology can be utilized to revolutionize the patient care process and help tackle the issue of physician burnout.